
Thoughts, interesting people and things that don't fit into specific categories....


  • My Fair Lady at MonteCasino

    Repeat after me: “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. “ Oumie, Carol, Linley and I joined the Kosmos Toere group to watch My Fair Lady at MonteCasino this weekend, and…

  • The Last Time

    “You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss I didn’t know it was the last time Chilli would come for a run with us. I’m…

  • YOU can Plant a Tree

    The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. They say: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second…

  • One Step at a Time – Zuikerkop 2024

    “My advice for a race is the same as it is for life: Take it one step at a time.” Every year, Zuikerkop hosts a fantastic running and cycling event, and it’s one…

  • SpongeBob Party

    The cake was a Chocolate and Vanilla Cake with Cream cheese icing. The SpongeBob figurines are “fishtank figurines” and are not edible. The Krusty Krab is made from melted chocolate. This is the…

  • If You Don’t Rest, You Rust

    Resting rebuilds, restores and refreshes! They say if you rest, you rust… I think it should rather be: If You Don’t Rest, You Rust! This morning, while brushing my teeth, I was randomly…

  • A Traveling Inspiration

     “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” St. Augustine Some people inspire me to live life to the fullest. Miss Arthur is one of those…

  • Happy Minecraft Birthday

    Minecraft- A World where anything is possible. We had fun celebrating Leo’s birthday with a small party on Friday and a Spur outing today! It was a busy weekend with the Dino-Expo and …

  • Dinos and Legendary Rugby in Bloem

    “Beer and rugby are more or less synonyms.” There was a lot happening in Bloemfontein this weekend! We went to the Dino-Expo at the Show Grounds. It was interesting, but there were a…

  • Banana Crumpets

    Asante sana, squash banana! Have some overripe bananas? Here’s an easy crumpet recipe which the kids love! What you need: 2 very ripe mashed bananas3/4 cup brown sugar3 eggs1 cup milk2 tablespoons butter,…

  • Knysna Half Marathon 2024

    Did you hear about that ‘oyster’ joke? I laughed so hard I almost pulled a mussel. Many muscles are sore and stiff from yesterday’s race! But, I think most of us agree, that…

  • Snow in Ladybrand June 2024

    Why was the snowman looking in the bag of carrots? He was picking his nose! This is the most I have seen it snow in Ladybrand! It was such an exciting morning playing…

  • Run For Fun

    “Run. Because zombies will eat the untrained ones first.” – From the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide I wasn’t always into running. I wouldn’t have considered running fun, not at all! Alma told me the other…

  • Clarens Craft Beer Festival 2024

    Don’t Worry, Beer Happy! 😜🍻 It was the perfect weekend for Clarens Beer Festival! The weather was really hot, but luckily the beer was cold! We stayed at Clarens Retreat Guesthouse which is…

  • Cluedo – Playing Live

    The Milner Mansion Murder Mystery Event Linley organized an incredibly fun event at her house for the family. I thought it was such a cool idea! Loadshedding was right on schedule and benefitted…

  • Meow You Have a Happy Birthday

    A little birdie told me it’s your birthday… So I ate it! – A Cat somewhere Since he was born, Leo has liked cats! We’ve never had a cat. We’re not particularly fond…

  • Clarens Beer Festival 2023

    You better not pout, just have a stout, You better not cry, try a beer dry, You better not frown… Because…Craft Breweries are coming to town!  It was the Clarens Craft Beer Festival…

  • Nathan and the Ninja Chicken

    “Cockadoodledoo! Good morning to you!” That is the sound a normal rooster might make. “Cocka-doo-kung-fu! You mess with me, I kick you!” That is the cry of Cuckoo. I’ve been having lots of…

  • Natey’s Ninja Party

    Ichi, ni, san, yon! One, two, three, four! It was Natey’s Ninja party this weekend. He has been so excited counting down the days for this event! And the day finally arrived! The…

  • Lionel’s Birthday Robot

    Why did the robot cross the road? Because he was programmed by a chicken. A few months ago Leo told me he would like a robot party. I asked him, if he could…

  • Our Oumie’s 80th Birthday

    “A life well lived is the most exquisite work of art.” – Erwin McManus “One must have compassion for one’s fellow man. (‘n Mens moet deernis hê vir jou medemens.)” – Oumie’s life…

  • Clouds in Lizzy’s Head (My First Book)

    I’ve written and published my first children’s book. It’s something I have always wanted to do so it’s very exciting for me! It’s a short children’s book about a little girl who struggles…

  • Clarens Craft Beer Festival 2022

    “Wish you were beer with us!” It was the long awaited Clarens Craft Beer Festival this weekend! The last festival was just before lockdown in February 2020… What a lot has happened since…

  • Face your Fear… Jump out of the Plane

    “Go skydiving!” they said. “It will be fun!” they said. And every time my answer was: “Hell no!” Marcus agreed to skydive and the kids and I went with to watch him… That…

  • Little Rock Birthday Camping

    “Life’s better when you add fresh air, trees, good friends and a braai.” Why travel far when there is a perfect camping venue right on your doorstep!? Little Rock Resort in Ladybrand pleasantly…

  • Our Dead Chick Came Back to Life

    “You’re not dead until you are warm and dead.” I was excited. Our hen had been sitting on eggs for about 3 weeks so I started checking up on her twice a day…

  • Tommy’s Dinosaur Party

    “Hold him a little longer, play with him a little more, tell him another story, let him make the dinos roar. Let him sleep on your shoulder, appreciate every smile, he will only…

  • Hulk Smash Party

    We had a Hulk Smash Party for Natey’s 3rd birthday this year. It was a fun theme and we all enjoyed it. On the 1st of September a little Hulk toy came to…

  • 8 Week Creativity Challenge

    Are you ready to get creative? 1 theme/topic every week for 8 weeks. Interpret and depict the topic by drawing, painting, writing, taking a photo or creating something. Share your creation/thoughts on our…

  • A Super Superhero Party

    Cake, balloons, a few fun friends and a superhero family… Those are the ingredients for a super awesome party! We couldn’t invite many people and we were fortunate that the sun was shining…

  • Remembering Lockdown

    “Corona Virus has changed life as we know it. The sooner we accept that, the better.” Jenice Armstrong Natey turns 3 in September. For more than half of his life it’s been Covid…

  • Best Rice Krispie Treat Recipe

    You are what you eat… So eat something sweet! I was craving these treats! So I made them “for the kids.” Leo and Natey helped me count the Marshmallows to put in the…

  • Covid Isolation with Kids

    Take a moment to take a deep breath in and slowly breathe out… That’s my current advice to myself and my fellow South Africans. We’re all dealing with Covid, effects of post Covid,…

  • Our First 5 Days of Covid Isolation

    Can everyone even remember life before Covid? Before every teller at Spar had a screen up in front of her? When the birthday girl or boy could blow out their candles without everyone…

  • Encouraging Creativity

    “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe Creativity is something so uniquely human. Creativity sparks new ideas, new inventions, artwork, literature and feeds the soul… …

  • Gqeberha.. . For Me, Always PE

    Gqeberha is the new name of Port Elizabeth… I haven’t met anyone yet who is enthusiastic about this. It is apparently originally a khoisan word, now written in Xhosa… But they say it…

  • Geetha’s Broad Bean Curry

    Marc has been holding the fort at home while my siblings and I have been in the middle of South Africa’s Covid hotspot trying to help my dad fight the virus. Granny Geets…

  • Natey’s 2nd Birthday Party

    “You are 2! 2 cute and 2 adorable!(with a few 2 terrible screams in between)” Natey wanted a blue party and I wanted a train party… So we had a blue train party!…

  • Will you Marry Me Next Week?

    Here’s the story about Peter, my brother, and his wife, Imke’s engagement and how they planned their wedding in less than one week! The whole family was excited to go down to Port…

  • Let’s Eat Local

    Where does your food come from? (Before you buy it from Shoprite or Spar) What are the ingredients of the sauce you’re eating? Do you know what E270 and E260 are!? I thought…

  • Teddy Bear Picnic Party

    If you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise… Almost a year ago, before we knew about things like Corona and lockdown, we celebrated Natey’s first birthday by…

  • Solar System Birthday

    “My world revolves around you!” Leo chose to have a solar system birthday this year… He decided this like 2 weeks after he turned 3! And he didn’t change his mind. He also…

  • Birthday Drive-In

    2020…what a weird year! I love celebrating birthdays and this year we had to really think out of the box because social gatherings are not permitted (unless it’s a church function.) So… we…

  • Coronas on the Shelf

    When Lockdown was announced, I thought of doing something everyday to entertain the kids (and myself)… That’s why I came up with”Coronas on the Shelf”. It works similar to “Elf on the Shelf”…

  • Myers Briggs Birthday Party

    Last year I also had a very enjoyable and interesting birthday party… A Myers Briggs Birthday Party! I’ve been wanting to post it on here but haven’t gotten around to it. (Typical INTP…

  • Bob Ross Paint Party

    We don’t make mistakes, just happy, little accidents. Bob Ross Marc’s “Bob Ross” party exceeded my expectations! It was really lots of fun and I was so impressed with how everyone’s painting looked.…

  • 1,2,3 Let’s Blaze Birthday Party

    1,2,3 Leeet’s Blaze! That was the theme of Leo’s 3rd Birthday Party we held this year. I made a Blaze chocolate mud cake which you saw on the previous post. When he saw…

  • Chocolate Blaze Sponge Cake

    We had a blazing good time celebrating Leo’s birthday this year. I used Daleen’s chocolate cake recipe to make a “Blaze and the Monster Machines Mud cake.” It is really a yummy, fluffy…

  • Best Play Dough Recipe

    Leo enjoys playing with play dough. And when it’s not on his head (see pic) or in the carpet it makes for a fun activity.😊 This Play Dough is easy to make, feels…

  • Lekker Butter Cookies

    Peek-A-Boo here are some cookies for you! Here’s an easy cookie recipe. Similar to the one my mom used to make with us when we were kids. Ingredients: 250g butter 1 cup sugar…

  • Our Templehof Lion Encounter

    Leo and I enjoyed an outing with the Dixies to Tempelhof Guest and Game Farm today. The farm is near Ficksburg so it wasn’t too far to drive and Chantal bought lekker snacks…

  • Jane’s 50th Parkrun

    There are no shortcuts. Work hard. Be patient.  Be consistent.  Be persistent.  And never give up! Well done to my mom for completing her 50th Parkrun this weekend!  She even ran in the…

  • Corporate Iron Man in Port Elizabeth 2017

    Jy’s my batman, superman, IRONMAN…. I did it! I got the medal!  Marc, Pete and I took part in the Port Elizabeth Corporate Ironman 2017.  It’s a tenth of the big Ironman…  It…

  • Clarens Craft Beer Festival 2017

    “If you’re hoppy and you know it drink craft beer!” It was the 7th annual Clarens Craft Beer festival this weekend, the 5th one we’ve been to. And the beer just seems to…

  • Kiara Lodge Getaway 

    When I was younger I pictured heaven as a place high up in the mountains with soft, fluffy clouds, pretty pastel colours and bunny rabbits everywhere… After this weekend I realized I was…

  • Family Festivities

    I’ve been wanting to post something about our Christmas and New Year Festivities… and I actually uploaded the photos on the 2nd of January.  Next thing I know January is almost over!  …

  • Wedding in Kaapschehoop

    Edit “Two lives, two hearts, two souls become one.” South Africa really has a lot of interesting places! Like this little village, Kaapschehoop, near Nelspruit in Mpumalanga…which I found out afterwards is where…

  • Clarens Beer Festival 2016 & Home-Brew Tasting

    Beer, beer and more beer!  There’s always something happening around beer!  And there always seems to be beer around us! 😜 The 2016 Clarens Beer Festival was very festive and most enjoyable. Here’s…

  • Ironman 2016 in Port Elizabeth

    Ironman is next level tough! I was exhausted after just being a supporter at this year’s Ironman in Nelson Mandela Bay. Well done to my lil’ bro, Pete, who completed the extremely challenging…

  • Camping at Korannaberg

    “There is a treasure hidden in every moment. The joy of life is finding it.” -Katrina Meyer 🌻 It’s so nice when one discovers a beautiful place close to home. We will definitely…

  • In Memory of Granny

    “There are special people in our lives who never leave us… Even after they are gone…” Today we mourn the passing and also celebrate the life of our Granny Iris. I’ll remember Granny…

  • Beers of the USA’s West Coast

      That’s a lota beers!  This post was written by Marc… (He has really undergone a Lupulin threshold shift!)    Lupulin threshold shift \lu·pu·lin thresh·old shift\ n 1. When a once extraor-dinarily hoppy beer now…

  • Homebrewing Beer Tasting

           Ever thought of brewing your own beer?? Home and micro-brewing is becoming more and more popular these days. Not only do you control what goes into your beer but it’s also interesting…

  • Skiing in Africa

    “The important thing is to take that first step. Bravely overcoming one small fear gives you the courage to take on the next.”– Ikeda     It was our 3rd time together at Afriski…

  • NAMPO 2015

        “In winter’s chill or summer’s heat farmers work so that we can all eat.” Do you ever think about where your food comes from (before you buy it from a shop) or how…

  • Clarens Craft Beer Festival 2015

    “Beer is not the answer. Beer is the question. ‘Yes’ is the answer!!😄” It was the long-awaited Clarens Craft Beer Festival last weekend… Craft Beer Breweries from all over South Africa were there…

  • Xanthe’s Wedding in Port Elizabeth

    “Take care of your mind it will help your body look good. Take care of your body it will make your mind feel good.”- JMF Some call it the friendly city, most call…

  • Christmas and New Years 2014

    “How we spend our time is how we spend our lives.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Do you also feel as if 2014 went by really quickly!? I almost can’t believe it’s 2015 already! We…

  • Christmas 2014

    “How we spend our time is how we spend our lives.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Do you also feel as if 2014 went by really quickly!? I almost can’t believe it’s 2015 already! We…

  • Rhinos at Emoya’s Voetspoor Fees

    There were white paw-prints painted on Bloemfontein’s roads yesterday… We followed them and they lead us to Emoya Estate’s 2014 Voetspoor Fees! The paw-prints were really there but actually we heard about the…

  • Mathys Reminds Us to be Strong and Thankful

    “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford It is always inspiring to meet someone with a fighting…

  • Inspiration from Dr.Seus

    Remember Dr.Seus? I really enjoyed his books! Here’s some mid-week inspiration: I was carefully thinking While slowly sinking, That this site is jam 4 joy, And not joy 4 jam It’s about what…

  • The Successful Yeard (year long beard)

    A yeard, a year long beard, is something which many men only dream of. It requires patience, dedication and perseverance. Congratulations to Marc on his successful yeard! The last time Marc shaved was…

  • Doggy Treats

    So after the previous good response to the first post of our boston puppies, I decided to put a few more pics of them up. (At bottom of this post) They are now…

  • Our Boston Puppies

    “A dog is a part of your life, but to the dog you are their whole life.” A bit more than a month ago we got 2 little Boston puppies… They are too…

  • Bloemskou 2014

    It’s that time of the year again that all South Africans have been waiting for…. Hmmm, well, maybe that time of the year all Bloemfonteiners have been waiting for… Okay, maybe just that…

  • Going for the Yeard (year long beard)

    On the 2nd of march this year Marc’s beard has officially been growing for 6 months. Halfway towards the majestic yeard! It was initially known as “the travel beard” because the process started…

  • Clarens Beer Festival

    We went to Clarens this weekend for their 4th annual beer tasting festival. Many of South Africa’s top micro-breweries were there with their best home brews. A lot of people were at the…

  • Watermelon Cake

    I decided to make a healthy cake for Marc ‘s birthday. This fruit cake is not quite your traditional fruit cake! It’s just fresh watermelon and cream decorated with a variety of fresh…

  • Broccolli & Condensed Milk Salad

    This salad is too delicious to be called a salad and should actually rather be called broccoli pudding. When you are tired of your January diet this is a good way to indulge…

  • Rest in Peace Madiba

    This is one of those moments that you are always going to remember: Where you were when you first heard that Madiba, Ntate Mandela, has passed away… We were in Books Hostel in…

  • Trip to Spain – by Guest Writer

    My sister, Linley, went to Spain this week where she was one of the presenters at the 7th Annual ICERI Spain conference about research in technology and education. She wrote this during her…

  • Tribute to a Great Grandfather

    Life is not permanent, and it’s this fragility which makes it so precious. Marc’s grandpa, Mr.Pieter Coetzee, better known to all of us, his children, grandchildren and great grandson as “Oupie,” passed away…

  • The Resurrection of the Moonbag

    This post was written by Marc during the rough, overnight Cial bus trip: Moonbags, fannypacks, bumbags, whatever you may call them, they are one of the world’s lost treasures! They can be classified…

  • New Beginnings – Packing up everything

    It’s been an intense couple of days! We have been packing our life into boxes and bags, sorting out all of our paperwork and eating lots of delicious food with special people. It’s…