Food and Recipes

We love eating! If life is a journey, what better way to enjoy the ride than with good "padkos!"(road food). Here are some of our favourite recipes and food ideas... Some are not necessary the most healthiest, but they are the "lekkerest!" ๐Ÿคฃ

  • Sweet Potato Bake

           This sweet potato bake is really delicious and difficult to get wrong.  It’s a tasty side dish to make when having people over for a braai.  It’s made in the oven so…

  • Sweet Potato Bake

    <a href=””><img src=”” alt=””></a>  <a href=””><img src=”” alt=””></a>  <a href=””><img src=”” alt=””></a> This sweet potato bake is really delicious and difficult to get wrong.  It’s a tasty side dish to make when having…

  • Chocolate Biscuit Squares

    “You’re so sweet you’re going to give me tooth cavities!”-unknown These are the chocolate squares you usually find in school tuck-shops and at cake sales. Our cafeteria at varsity also sold them. If…

  • Whiskey Breakfast Oats

    This is an easy breakfast to make, especially if you have to make a quick breakfast for a lot of people…and the whiskey just gives it that extra smoothness and flavour. Our friend,…

  • Homemade Ginger Beer

    “Listen to your elder’s advice. Not because they are always right but because they have more experiences of being wrong.” This recipe is marc’s great gran, Ouma Carol’s, ginger beer recipe. It might…

  • Chocolate Stout Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

    “A party without cake is just a meeting.” It’s difficult to be sad when you are eating a delicious piece of chocolate cake- especially if it’s a piece of chocolate mustache cake with…

  • Easy Bran Rusk recipe

    Rusks are essentially double-baked bread dough. The afrikaans word for rusk is beskuit which, according to the book,”Geskiedenis van Boerekos”, comes from the french word meaning “twice baked.” South African boere tannies have…

  • Homemade Pina Colada Cocktails

    If you like Pina coladas and getting caught in the rain… Marc called it “songception.” Someone must have intentionally played that Pina colada song to make us think it was our own idea…

  • Pineapple Beer

    We’ve been wanting to make pineapple beer for a while now so when Thandi, our cleaning manager, said she regularly makes home-brews for her husband we took the opportunity and got her to…

  • Watermelon Salad

    Happy 2015 to you all! ๐Ÿ˜„ Hopefully all the chocolates, sweets and festive season leftovers are now finished and you have formulated your healthy eating and exercise plans to start the new year…