Ideas and Events

Celebrating Life in fun ways. Different ideas to add some excitement to life. Create your own fun!

  • Katse Dam, Lesotho

    We made a quick international getaway to Lesotho this weekend, and, in Carol’s words: “We had a dam good time.”😝 The Lesotho Kingdom’s Katse Dam has been on my “must-see” list for a…

  • MSC Sinfonia Family Cruise

    Cruise, Eat, Sleep, Repeat…. We’ve been looking forward to this weekend for quite some time… I can’t believe it’s already over! While the Sinfonia cruised from Durban’s harbour to Mozambique’s Portuguese Island, we…

  • New York, New York

    New York, New York! The Big Apple did not disappoint! My most favourite part about New York was staying with the Wolf pack and going to see the Broadway show I told you…

  • Long Island with the Wolf Pack

    “To love another person is to see the face of God.”– From Les Misérables Adam and Lisa took us to the most amazing broadway show; Les Misérables! (Even though they’ve seen the play…

  • From Philly With Love

    Don’t worry, South Africa, America also gets power cuts! (Or maybe Eskom followed us to the USA!?) The train we are on now to New York City is stuck at a random station…

  • History Lesson in Washington DC

               Freedom is not free… During the last three days we’ve learnt so much about American history and past American presidents. There’s so much info but I’ll just briefly mention the famous…

  • Our Stay in Seattle

    Imagine a city which has mountains, oceans and fresh water lakes. A city with thriving businesses, fun activities and nightlife as well as forest areas and many hiking trails. Imagine a city where…

  • Beers of the USA’s West Coast

      That’s a lota beers!  This post was written by Marc… (He has really undergone a Lupulin threshold shift!)    Lupulin threshold shift \lu·pu·lin thresh·old shift\ n 1. When a once extraor-dinarily hoppy beer now…

  • Roadtrip to Seattle

          USA Roadtrip! Yeah!  😄  A roadtrip, like life, is about enjoying the journey and making memories along the way. We took a 4 day leisurely roadtrip from San Francisco up north…

  • Walking Amongst Giants

            The trees we encountered were so gigantic we drove our car through one of them! It was so exciting that we drove through that tree twice!   I could hardly believe…