
Exploring new places in our own country and also exploring different countries, different cultures, different languages and going on unforgettable adventures. Invest in Experiences!

  • Tour to Ballestas Islands is Awesome

    I have never seen so many birds in my entire life! I was absolutely amazed! This morning we went on a 2 hour speed-boat tour of Ballestas Islands. These are a group of…

  • Paracas

    Paracas is a small coastal town with an intriguing history. If you want to chill and relax this is the place to be. We are staying at Paracas Backpacker House and have already…

  • Traveling with Cruz del Sur

    We travelled from Lima to Paracas with Cruz del Sur bus company. I was very impressed and will definitely use them again. When Marc got on the bus and saw our seats he…

  • LP Gas Powered Cars in Peru

    This post was written by Marc. In Peru (not sure of the other Southern American countries) all the taxi cabs run on LP gas! When we landed I saw the taxi we climbed…

  • Our stay in Lima, Peru

    Today was Day 2 in South America and Day 2 in Lima, Peru. Our Spanish has improved dramatically! Hardly anyone here speaks english. Bed and Breakfast Lima Casa Guadalupe was a good guesthouse…

  • We are in Peru

    We are in Peru! We are in Peru! I can’t believe that we are actually in Peru! The lady from the guest house, Guadelupe, picked us up at the airport. She is very…

  • Flying from Africa to South America

    After a hearty breakfast this morning with family we are now chilling in the Slow Lounge (thanks to FNB) waiting for our flight. They have these awesome blue cupcakes here (they call them…

  • South America is Huge

    South America sounds similar to South Africa, right?  So, many people seem to think that they are more or less the same size as well.  (I know the one is a continent and…