
Exploring new places in our own country and also exploring different countries, different cultures, different languages and going on unforgettable adventures. Invest in Experiences!

  • Inka Trail Day 3

    Inka Trail Day 3 Day three of the trail was an easy (compared to the previous day) 9km walk through the cloud forest. This is the start of the Amazon Jungle so we…

  • Inka Trail Day 2

    Inka Trail Day 2 We were all quite nervous for this day! We knew Dead Woman’s Pass lay ahead of us which is at a 950km higher altitude than our campsite, Ayapata. I’m…

  • Inka Trail with Llama Path Day 1

    We said we would tell you more about our Inka trail. So the next 5 posts will all be about our big trek to Machupicchu. This post was written by Marc. Inka Trail…

  • 10 Cuzco Curiosities

    Like every city, Cuzco has it’s interesting and strange things that make it different from any other place. It is our last day in Cuzco today and we really enjoyed our time here.…

  • Back from the Inka Trail

    What an incredible experience we had! The Inka trail was unforgettable! We are completely exhausted and in need of a shower. My legs are dreading having to climb the stone stairs up to…

  • Our Inca trail is starting early

    The juice at the San Pedros market is so fresh! You can choose whatever fruit you want and they freshly squeeze it for you. We met up with our german friends at the…

  • Regional Strike and the Inca Trail

    The Inca trail winds across the Andes Mountain Range to the mysterious Machu Picchu. It is one of the world’s best known classic treks but it is much more than a great hike.…

  • Walking with llamas

    We did our own tour of the Inca sites around Cuzco by foot. It was physically quite draining but was also a nice, memorable walk. We used our Boleto Turistico ticket to enter…

  • Toilets and Flushing in Peru

    This is embarrassing and probably not something one should blog about but it’s something you should know when in Peru. We only found this out today. The toilet in our room got totally…