Week 3 – Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.”

Week 3’s Challenge was to keep our eyes open for things we see around us. (And to stop and smell the roses and other flowers too.)
Scroll to see this week’s projects and scroll to the bottom for week 4’s challenge.

*One-Winged Wonder*
_by linley_
How I wonder
About you One-Winged Wonder
Once one whole
Now one part
Where did two wings take you, O One-Winged Wonder – I wonder
Were two wings enough to make you one whole?
Or were they only one part
Of what you were
What you saw?
How I wonder
About you One-Winged Wonder
How two wings could rest on the purple of the Jacaranda
How two wings brushed the bosom of bloom’s yellow dust
How two wings flit proudly and gloriously whole
Too great, wonderfully wound-up, from tips to tail end,
Two-winged fabric torn with no sewer or needle to mend
Ripped apart
Now one part
…O One-Winged Wonder – I wonder

Week 4 – Someone I am Thankful for

Who are you thankful for? Write about them or draw or paint them. (Or even just send them a special message to say you appreciate them.)
Remember to still write and add to your gratitude/joy jar.