Family Festivities

I’ve been wanting to post something about our Christmas and New Year Festivities… and I actually uploaded the photos on the 2nd of January.  Next thing I know January is almost over!  

We had a very relaxing festive season with the family.  We, like most people, ate way too much.  But the food was so delicious!  Carol and Lionel impressed again with a “Cubata” meal with bbq prawns, ribs, smoked trout and homemade bread!  Leo got his passport stamped for the first time when we went for lunch at Regals in Lesotho.  We almost scored free breakfast at The Cabin when someone accidentally paid our table’s bill instead of their own.

At least in between all the eating we were also active! Pete missed a win at our parkrun by a few seconds and Jane finally climbed to the top of “Die Stalle!” We swam a lot to keep cool and relaxed a lot to stay sane.  There was poker played on the night of the 31st… almost into the new year.  The Deens came to visit and Kate actually got Rex to jump in and out of the pool!  I think the doggies really miss her!  Leo was so spoilt with all the love and a ton of presents!  

Time did what time does and flew by far too quickly.  Happy 2017 everyone! Xxx