Thoughts, interesting people and things that don't fit into specific categories....
Patients ask strange questions
In general the patients I see in private practice are a bit more educated than patients in the government hospitals, but not always. I was doing a locum at a practice when a…
Embarrassing Medical Student Story
As second year medical students we had to practice taking histories on patients. This sounds easy but it can become challenging especially when you and the patient don’t speak the same language. In…
A Christian-Persian Wedding ceremony
I was honored to be a bridesmaid at the marriage ceremony of my lifelong friend, Donne and Babak which took place on Saturday 17th August 2013 at Lombardini Game Reserve in Jeffreys Bay.…
Once upon a time in Egypt
Once upon a time before the hectic political problems and warnings against traveling to Egypt there was an unsuspecting intern planning her trip to see the Great Pyramids of Giza… In your internship…
Trekking in Mauritius
I thought I’d write a bit about past travel vacations- it’s nice for me to reminisce and maybe I can give you ideas for where you would want to go. Sun, white sand…
Where do you want to get to?
Alice comes to a fork in the road and does not know which way to proceed. She sees the Cheshire Cat and asks: `Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to…
Dogs have Emotions Too
Response to “When Animals Grieve”, July 2013 issue of Reader’s Digest. New research suggests that animals may have more complex emotions than mere primal instinct. This has always seemed obvious to me… …
Recommendation letter for a Rock
A collegue told me, on my last day at work, that our boss will not be able to write me a letter of recommendation because I suck so much. Okay, she didn’t use…
Remembering how to study- 10 tips
Can one forget how to study? Its slowly coming back to me, but my brain feels as if its done 1000 push-ups. I feel like I’m stu-DYING. How did I pass Med school?…