Ideas and Events

One Step at a Time – Zuikerkop 2024

“My advice for a race is the same as it is for life: Take it one step at a time.”

All four of us did the 6km colour fun run.

Every year, Zuikerkop hosts a fantastic running and cycling event, and it’s one you don’t want to miss. Zuikerkop is beautiful!

Whether you’re running or walking, (or carrying your child on your back) , you’ll pass by stunning sandstone rock formations, and if you’re lucky, you might spot giraffes and various types of buck. It’s a really picturesque race.

This year, the event was sponsored by Red Bull. It was the first time I’d had a Red Bull in years! The last time I had one, Imke was still a Red Bull rep. I can’t say it gave me wings, but hey, I didn’t feel like a “dead bull” afterwards. (Unlike my mom years ago after a hike, despite her having had a Red Bull!)

Leo wasn’t too excited about going to this race, but in the end, he loved it! Though, he did need to be piggybacked by yours truly for part of the way—but hey, I called it an extra workout. Before we left, since Leo wasn’t keen, I asked him to find three good things about the event… When we got home, he surprised me by saying, out of his own, “Mommy, my three good things for today were: 1) Eating lots of ice cream, 2) That someone gave me their R10 leftover food voucher, and 3) That Neal was there.”

One of my favorite moments of the day was when 6 year old Paige started quoting lines from the sunscreen song! I was walking with her mom, Chantal, we were talking about the song. Next thing Paige quotes whole sentences from the song! I was impressed! 🤣

Baz Luhrmann’s Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen). If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend giving it a listen—such a great message. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long, but in the end it’s only with yourself.

Another kid who impressed me… An 8-year-old boy with Down syndrome completed the 16 km cycling event! I was blown away. And as if that wasn’t enough, he still had energy to ride the My Little Pony afterwards. Incredible!

The event was full of fun for the kids, too—jumping castles, food stalls, the real pony for the kids to ride, and a tractor train. August, one of Natey’s friends, couldn’t get enough of the train tractor! It was all really well-organized. I was just disappointed that I didn’t win the lucky draw.

The entry fee did go up this year, but Godfrey pointed out that the free Salomon shirts we got probably cost more than the entry itself, so maybe it’s not that bad when you look at it that way!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and some of us have joined the ILoveBoobies Imagine Challenge. The 6 km from this race will count towards the 42 km I need to complete this month, so that’s another plus from the day!

All in all, the Zuikerkop event was a lot of fun!

Getting ready to start. Me and my kids wearing our “free” salomon T-shirts.
Biker Mice from Mars
Walking on sunshine. Waaho.
Selfie Time. If you’re looking for August, he is on the tractor train.
Happy birthday, Driekie!
Deep Conversations
Red Bull gives you wings!
On top of the world.
Simon getting extra points and burning extra calories.
Rocky path… I think up was easier than down! The loose rocks made the path very slippery. At a point Leo slid down on his bum.
Leo’s favourite things of the day: eating ice-cream, that someone gave him their R10 food voucher and that Neal was there.
October is breast cancer awareness month and we are moving for awareness.
How awesome are these socks! The Imagine Challenge had these in their goody bag along with 4 different colours!
ILoveBoobies goody bag. Along with the walking/running I’m doing 24 hours of yoga/strength/stretching this month. Also eating healthier especially on week days.
Colour run warrior.
This is how AI saw the above picture.