Clouds in Lizzy’s Head (My First Book)

I’ve written and published my first children’s book. It’s something I have always wanted to do so it’s very exciting for me!

Clouds in Lizzy’s Head

It’s a short children’s book about a little girl who struggles to fall asleep because she has too many thoughts in her head. Her pet dog helps to show her that her thoughts, like her breath, are like clouds in the sky which come and go.

Clouds in Lizzy’s Head is a book to read with young children to start talking about thoughts, emotions and mindfulness.

Both my kids love reading and we read almost every night before bed. They really have a lot of books, but I think we have read all of them at least 10 times each. Leo struggles to fall asleep so this is why Lizzy in the book can’t fall asleep.

Lizzy is based on a real Lizzy who is really very cute and clever! Thank you to her mom, Chantal, for dressing her up in her pink tracksuit for photos with Rex in the cold this morning!

Why did I choose the Cloud theme?

I have always enjoyed finding pictures in the clouds. Earlier this year, one of our Creatively Grateful themes was “Grateful for Clouds.” That week really got me looking up and thinking about the clouds and then, thanks to Robert, I even learnt a new word, pareidolia – Seeing familiar objects or patterns in otherwise random or unrelated objects or patterns. Long ago, some people used to think that those who tend to have pareidolia are more inclined towards psychosis… Luckily these days we know it’s quite normal to experience pareidolia. Thank goodness, because clouds and pictures in clouds really do fascinate me! During this same “creative cloud” week my friend, Milene, played “There is a castle in the clouds” on the piano while her son played the violin. That song was stuck in my head and I also played it just for myself on the piano and hummed it in my head numerous times.

I drew the pictures in the book on my phone. I still have a lot to learn about writing, publishing and illustrating books, but, you got to start somewhere, right!? “If you want to be a writer, write!”

The book can be bought on! Here’s the link: Clouds in Lizzy’s Head by Dr. Janny

Clouds in Lizzy’s Head, my first book, is dedicated to my sister, Linley, because without her I would not have completed the book and publication process! Linley presented a 8 week course on How to Publish a book via KDP. Marcus and I were part of the course and we both published our first book! I’m excited to start on my next book already.

This is the real Lizzy which the character, Lizzy, in the book is based on.
Lizzy reading “Clouds in Lizzy’s Head” to Rex.
Would the real Lizzy and Rex please stand up, please stand up.
Clear skies, clear minds.
Lizzy and Rex
Bow, Rex!
Lizzy and Rex were both so cooperative! I had to keep Chilli away because she loves photos and kept also wanting to be part of the photo. (She did also get treats though.)

“Clouds in the sky very much resemble the thoughts in our minds! Both changes perpetually from one second to another!”– Mehmet Murat Ildan.

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