Week 5 – Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
“if Pooh Bear can wear a crop top, so can I!”

“I finally realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving more love to myself.” Oprah Winfrey
We have all criticized our body… We could have longer legs, prettier feet, thicker hair, we could lose a few kg especially around our tummies… But during Week 5 we took time to appreciate and be thankful for our body… warts and all.
We should try to become aware of negative self-talk about our bodies and be grateful instead.
I also googled how to do a basic line dance. I need to practice a bit, but I can do it! Moving my body!
Thank you to everyone for the projects you submitted. I really enjoyed them.
Scroll to see Week 5’s projects and scroll to the bottom of this post for week 6’s Challenge…

“My body is a temple… Ancient and crumbling, probably haunted.”
Week 6
Here is the challenge for Week 6…

Remember to still write things you are thankful for and put them in your gratitude jar. 😊