Creatively Grateful – A 8 week Creativity Challenge

“Life is a series of tiny, little miracles… Notice them.”

Today is the start of our 8 week Creativity Challenge.

This is the first week of the first Creativity Challenge of 2022. The goal of the challenge is to encourage ourselves and each other to see things a bit differently and have some fun. So don’t stress about doing something perfectly or doing it ‘right or wrong.’

You can check out some of the previous creativity challenges on this blog. Creativity Challenge 1. Creativity Challenge 2. I’ve been so impressed with what people have come up with – even people who believed they were not at all creative!

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

Maya Angelou

This challenge is called Creatively Grateful. The overall theme is gratitude. Every week there will be a new task, and we will explore the theme in a few different ways.

Week 1’s creativity challenge is “Joy Jar.” The Joy Jar is going to be your ‘gratitude journal’ for the rest of our 8 weeks. Decorate or paint a jar or box and put it somewhere in the house where you will be able to easily see it. Every day, for the rest of this challenge, write something which you are thankful for on a piece of paper and put it in the jar/box. It can be something nice that happened that day, a song that made you smile, a compliment you received, something you really enjoyed or someone you appreciate. Remember, this is open to interpretation and you may do this in any way you see fit. Please share your Joy Jar with us on Instagram or the Watsapp group.

If you want to share your project on Instagram, please use #jam4joycreative and tag me @jam4joypics. 😊

Week 1 Creativity Challenge
Here’s my Joy Jar as an example… Let’s see what you can come up with.

Next week I will post some of the week’s projects (Joy Jars) as well as the new topic for the week ahead.

This week is a good week to have a good week.