Koranna Camping

“Second Star to the right and straight on ’til morning. -Peter Pan”

The abundance of stars was one of my favourite things about our Koranna trip! I haven’t seen so many twinkling stars in a while. Wow!

We had perfect weather with clear skies for our weekend camping adventure. We were 4 adults, 2 babies, 4 dogs and Betsy. Our two doggies were really nervous on the day we arrived. Chilli just wanted to stay in the car. I think it was all the new sights, sounds and smells! Or, maybe it was the troop of baboons watching us from the top of the cliff!? Baaaa!

The terrain getting to and from the bush-camp is quite rough and a 4×4 would’ve been helpful. We did get stuck… but luckily managed to get unstuck…twice.It was convenient to have a flushing toilet close by, although I rather didn’t cross that bridge after the sun set… just incase.

Nobis and Danie prepared really yummy food on Saturday. For brunch they made an egg pizza in a pan- or was it a pan quiche? Marc and I tried to out do them the next morning with our pan-toasted cheese and charcoal buns.😝

We camped at Koranna 2 years ago with Hannes and Anashti. Here’s that Koranna blog post. I can’t believe 2 years have passed since then!

Reach for the stars!😊 (They seem much closer at Koranna.)