Watermelon Cake


I decided to make a healthy cake for Marc ‘s birthday. This fruit cake is not quite your traditional fruit cake! It’s just fresh watermelon and cream decorated with a variety of fresh fruit. Very appropriate for a summer birthday and it makes a fun, healthy dessert.

What you need:

Small watermelon (I used a seedless one)
Grapes, Kiwi-fruit, Litchis (Any fruit of your choice)
Whipped cream


Put watermelon, fruit and cream in fridge to cool. Cut the watermelon in a cake shape. (Cut off the rounded edges and then the skin.). Cut the “cake” into slices. Cover with whipped cream. Decorate with fruit and remaining cream.

Serve and eat quickly especially if the weather is hot because the cream disintegrates in the heat. Eat outside because it can get messy or otherwise eat with a knife and fork. Alternatively, you could serve watermelon slices in individual plates with a blob of cream.


