South America is Huge

South America sounds similar to South Africa, right?  So, many people seem to think that they are more or less the same size as well.  (I know the one is a continent and the other is a country but I must say I hadn’t given it too much thought before either.)

I phoned our medical aid lady today to tell her about our plans to go to South America soon.  She asked: “Where in South America?”  “Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil.” I replied.  She responded with “O, nice, all the cities in South America!”…. They are not cities! Each name I mentioned is a freakin’ country!  I don’t blame her or anything. It also made me realize again that South America is really big. If you have a look at the map….. we are planning to do a whole lot of traveling. It takes 12 hours to drive from P.E to Joburg!

South Africa is big....  but see how small it looks compared to South America!
South Africa is big…. but see how small it looks compared to South America!