YOU can Plant a Tree
The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
They say: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.
It’s new moon, it’s time for new beginnings. It’s a good time to plant a tree!
I feel a pang of anger, sorrow and fear in my heart when I see trees being chopped down.
I am sure there are people who know which trees are alien species and choose to chop those down. But alot of trees are being chopped down because people are desperate for heat, firewood or building materials.
We need to educate people about the importance of trees: They are indespensible for life on this planet! They also carry wisdom and have a sacredness about them.
Take a moment to be still and notice the trees around you. What have they seen? What do they know? Reconnect with nature by connecting with the trees.
It makes me so happy to see that our new neighbours are planting trees! We can all plant trees! Earlier this year a few of us planted some trees during new moon… Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.