Reconnecting at Korannaberg Bushcamp

Sometimes you’ve got to disconnect to reconnect.

We didn’t have any wifi or cellphone signal for the weekend which forced us to disconnect from technology for a while and reconnect with nature and each other. We also didn’t have any electricity. (But South Africans are used to that!)

It was good to be so close to nature and back to basics for a few days. The bushcamp has an outdoor shower and flushing toilet! You have to walk across a bridge made out of 4 tree stumps to get to the “ablution facilities”. It’s quite a balancing act and not for the faint hearted!

The weather was perfect for bush camping! Leo asked me what my highlight of the weekend was. It’s difficult to choose one, but I really loved the bright, bright stars! I haven’t seen so many stars that clearly in a while! I asked Leo what his favourite part was… Eating marshmallows! 🤣

After a short walk on Saturday morning we went for a “quick” 4×4 ride. Our 3 vehicles, BobJan, RhinoHorn and VlakVaart carefully followed each other over big rocks and rough terrain along the 4×4 trail until there was no more trail left! We kept in touch via walkie-talkies and talkie walkies. With alot of conversing and skillful driving we eventually made our way back to camp again.

They then went searching for the waterfall which I hear consisted of even rougher 4×4 driving! (Luckily Natey was very tired so we missed out!)

The barking and screaming of the baboons were frightening to hear especially at night! What a terrifying sound! Baaaah! Baaaaah! Natey was very concerned about the baboons and woke up with the sound and clung tight to my arm! (I was also quite scared that first night because they sounded as if they were getting closer and closer!) Leo slept right through the barbaric barking!

Our food was basic but lekker! I want to make the foil wrapped butternuts and potatoes again! So simple, easy and delicious!

Chilli and Rexi were overjoyed when we said they can come with!

This was our 5th year in a row going camping in October!
Bush Camp
Sitting around the camp fire, sharing some scary stories.
4×4! Simon said he felt concerned everytime Driekie and Marcus got out of their vehicles to check the terrain and then looked at each other with “grinnetjies” (grins) on their faces.
Kyk! Daar loop n skilpad in die pad. (Ons het hom nie opgetel nie.)
They say you got to get lost to find yourself!
Marcus was very considerate and didn’t want Maggie to be the only one who got stuck in the mud! (pic showing the after effects)
Happy camping.
Another wild african tortoise! (the one in front)
Lekker wit brood braai-broodjies and wors.
Some target shooting
Stuck in the mud…better than being stuck in traffic!?
A whole weekend of Forest Bathing (shinrin-yoku, google it, it’s really a thing)
Staring at the Dancing fire
If you look very closely, you can spot the screaming and barking baboons!
The leader of the pack.
Jean-Evan rescuing the ball from the warthog hole! (kids, don’t try this at home!)
Hey! Look at the camera.
The cool cats
Rexi. (Eats cool cats for breakfast.)
Happy and hungry Campers
Early morning hike
Chilli, so happy she didn’t have to stay at home. Marcus, happy to be sitting on an adult chair.
Strong man, strong chair!
Interesting rock rest. Got Jamie and I pondering about life, giants and aliens.
Looking for the waterfall
River Bathing. (rivier swemming)
Night time is so much fun when camping in the bush!
Bushcamp and loo (2023)

We’ve been to this bushcamp at Koranna 3 times now! And we are definitely willing to go there again!

Our previous time at the Koranna Bushcamp Bush Camp and Loo (2018)