Blank Face – Creativity Challenge Week 4

Why the face?

Wow! I was really impressed with what everyone came up with using this “blank face” as a topic! Well done!

A blank face is a bit different than a blank page… Both have a story to tell, but, you know the face could be hiding something, or it could be pretending to be something it’s not. We all wear different masks at different times… And that’s okay as long as they are all at peace with each other and the person within. What face do you show the world?

What would you do with a blank face? Look at the ideas the group came up with.

Scroll to the bottom for Week 5’s theme… You might have guessed it. 😊

What an impressive artwork!
Finding balance in nature. Namaste.
Sometimes a face isn’t a face at all…
Written by a soon to be grandmother
Week 5: A New Beginning

It’s been a long winter! I am ready for Spring and a new beginning.

“The first blooms of Spring always make my heart sing.” S.Brown

Let’s celebrate and explore Spring with its freshness and new beginnings.