Natey’s 2nd Birthday Party

“You are 2! 2 cute and 2 adorable!(with a few 2 terrible screams in between)”

Natey wanted a blue party and I wanted a train party… So we had a blue train party!

I had fun making the cake which was half vanilla and blue and half chocolate cake covered in blue cream cheese icing. We also made a big train from boxes which the kids enjoyed playing in.

It was so nice to have the family from PE and Bloem join us for the party. Due to Covid we didn’t have as many people as last year. Oup still braaied steak to make prego rolls… Yummy! And we made candy floss!… Which the birthday boy didn’t even want to taste. But all the other kids enjoyed it.

Natey got some wooden trains for his birthday. They fit onto each other with magnets and he really enjoys playing with them.

I had a “space robot” count down the days before Leo’s space party so on the first of September 2 “Chu-Chus” came in a blue cardboard train to count the days until Natey’s birthday… Everyday the train would hide in a different place in the house.

I’m 2! I love blue.
Big blue cardboard train… And Natey trying to get that last drop out of a Maluti
Lots of fun with ouma Jane and Tommy
The “chu-chus”… The kids had to throw them into the blue train every morning… They love them. I bought them from Crazy store for R9. 99 each!
The blue train (with the chu chus) counted down the days until Natey’s birthday.

“The Terrible twos should come with a complimentary bottle of wine.”