Make Stampmielies for Your Next Braai

Now that we’re back in sunny South Africa we’ve had a few lekker braais already, including a leg of lamb spit-braai with the family on Heritage Day.(Braai Day)

This samp tart or stampmielie-tert/gereg is a great side dish with your braaied meat. Thank you, Carol for sharing the recipe with me!😊

Samp is dried, chopped and slightly broken corn kernels. It’s called stampmielies in afrikaans. (This may be common knowledge to some of you but it wasn’t to me.)

Stampmielie Recipe

Ingredients: (This makes quite a lot of samp! Half of this is enough for a side dish for about 10 people.)

4 cups Samp (Stampmielies) – soak these in water overnight
500g Mushrooms (sliced)
500g Bacon (diced)
250mls Fresh Cream
500mls Mayonnaise
2 sachets white onion soup
2 cups grated cheese
Salt and Pepper

Soak the samp in water overnight. Cook the samp in the same way as you would make rice. Braai/fry bacon pieces and mushrooms. Mix together cream, mayonnaise, soup powder, cheese and some salt and pepper. Add this mixture and the fried mushrooms & bacon to the cooked samp. (So, basically add everything together.) Put mixture into 1 really big oven dish or into 2 medium-large oven dishes. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 1 hour.