Aliens of Paracas


We strolled into the privately owned Paracas History Museum which is right next to our backpackers. It opened up a whole new world to us of mysteries and endless possibilities of Paracas’s alien ancestry. I know some of you aren’t big sci-fi fans but just give this story some thought.

We got shown around by the museum’s owner and founder, Juan Navarro. He is very passionate about Paracas’s past but he can only speak very limited english. So we were communicating with minimal words and a lot of body language. It felt like we were playing charades! What did help quite a bit when we weren’t able to understand each other’s actions was Marc’s iPhone App, iTranslate, which can translate words and short sentences from English into Spanish and vice versa. (We bought a sim card and airtime in Lima.)

The museum has weapons(mostly for head bashing); materials like carpets and cloth with interesting patterns; and creatively decorated pottery which were all used and made by humans living in the Paracas region at least 2000 years ago.

What makes the museum really fascinating is that it has the largest private collection of elongated human skulls in the world. I don’t think it would have been as entertaining if it wasn’t for Mr. Navorro acting out the history for us. So make sure he is there if you ever visit the place. He also explained that holes used to be drilled in people’s skulls in the hope to cure epilepsy and madness which I found rather interesting. I’m not sure if the procedure yielded any successful results….I doubt it!?

Back to Mr. Navorro’s skull collection…. These elongated human skulls were found in the Paracas region. Apparently elongated skulls have been found all over the world. There is an old tradition of head binding which has been practiced by many different cultures widely separated geographically throughout the world and throughout history. (King Tutankhamun’s head was apparently artificially elongated.). They would deform a baby’s skull by binding it tightly while the bones are still soft and pliable. It is still practiced today by the people of Vanuatu, which is a small island north east of Australia.

The reason behind head binding is not fully understood. Some say it was done because a longer skull was thought to be more aesthetically pleasing. Another possibility could have been to create a sense of belonging to ones culture by looking similar. It is thought that the people eventually just did it for tradition’s sake. (So the true purpose for starting to head-bind was lost). Could it be that there was an elite group of extra-terrestrial visitors who had bigger, longer heads and humans strived to be just like them because they admired them?

What makes the elongated Paracas skulls different from other artificially elongated skulls is that the Paracas skulls are notably bigger than a normal human skull (some up to twice the size), they have bigger eye sockets and instead of having eight plate like bones that protect the brain they have fewer so they don’t have the normal suture markings of ordinary skulls.

This could not only have been due to a random genetic abnormality because so many of these skulls have been found. It also does not fit with the medical condition, hydrocephalus. If they were humans who did they evolve from? Legend has it that DNA testing has been done on these types of skulls which confirmed they are not human but apparently the government in association with the Illumanati wants to cover this up for some reason. This is starting to sound like a big conspiracy…..but wait, there’s more.
Yesterday, on our way to the Ballestas Islands, we saw the large scale geoglyph, El Candelabro (the Candlestick) carved into the sandy rock. Apparently it has been there for at least two thousand years! (Around the same time that the Paracas people with the big heads were around). Nobody knows the exact meaning of the geoglyph or who made it. There are only speculations.

Some say it is pointing towards the Nazca figures which were also made around the same time. Nobody knows who made them or how these figures were made so the mystery behind the Nazca geoglyphs is still unexplained. Could the long headed Paracas people have had some type of advanced technology? If they did where did they get it from?

Lastly, the jelly-fish in the sea here look very alien-like. Maybe they could have been the pets of the E.Ts? Okay, I just made up the jelly-fish part but they do look pretty scary.

Mr. Navorro seems convinced that aliens visited and then lived on earth mingling and also reproducing with humans. There are so many unanswered questions.



