Creative Work

Many of my paintings seem to paint themselves!  I never know exactly what will emerge. I often experience interesting coincidences through my creative work, which I now call synchronicity. 

Some paintings have been sold, and many have been given away to special friends and family as gifts.

Through patience and persistence,
The Bee dances with Demeter’s flower.
Connecting Her continous cycles
In a moment, beauty becomes power.
The yellow weaver flies freely,
And dances with delight,
For his fruits are abundant,
And his song joyful and bright.
Somewhere over the Rainbow – For Carol’s 60th
A good friend sent me a photo that her dad took of a dandelion so I decided to paint it for her.
A call to heal the feminine
Mandala Art Therapy
Mandala word and colour therapy -my birthday event
Peace to you
I really had such unexpected fun drawing these images for a unique afrikaans alphabet!
Painted for South Africa’s Freedom Day.
Inner Work: Opening the throat chakra
Painting of photo by Nilo. For Olivia. It reminded me of finding inner strength through stillness.
Clay workshop. In search of the wise one. (I’m still searching.)
Full Moon Celebration with friends
Transform from the inside out and outside in.
The full moon brings emotions to the surface. Take some time to observe them.
Abstract art for fundraising event.
Keep one eye open looking outward and one eye closed looking inward.
… And I will soar on wings of an eagle. Finding new strength
Hope remains
Spiritual Chakras – Sold at Auction
Ouma Wyn, Ouma Jane, Liefde en Sonskyn, Alles is piekfyn, Met n bietjie wyn en Ouma Jane
Remember Self-care
Letting Go
Huge cellphones for Leo’s grade R concert
Finding Libra’s balance while looking inward and outward.
Lighting a candle for hope
Intergrating emotions