July is Self-Care Month. 8 Steps to Incorporate Self-Care
Did you know that keeping tropical fish at home can have a calming effect on the brain...
This is due to all the indoor fins…

The 24th of June marks the start of Self-Care Month, which ends with Self-Care Day on the 24th of July.(24/7) This symbolic day was chosen by the World Health Organization because self-care can be practiced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (This sounds like it was definitely thought up by someone who doesn’t have kids, but nevertheless, it’s a good opportunity to incorporate some self care. I think 24/7 is not always possible or practical, but some self care is better than nothing.)
Self-care actions are habits and lifestyle choices that lead to a healthier life. Like Jordan Peterson says in his 2nd rule: Treat Yourself like Someone you are Responsible for Helping.

Self-care actions include: physical activities, healthier eating and sleep habits and daily activities to improve physical and mental health. Examples include: eating less takeaways, doing strength training, journaling, walking in nature, taking time out to relax, decluttering your environment, talking to a friend, booking that medical appointment.

“Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself.” —Tyra Banks
What can we do to make self care more practical? Keep it basic, keep it easy, but be persistent.
8 Steps to Incorporate Self-Care
1. Reflect on what you are already doing well.
Maybe you are already in a habit of walking twice a week, or doing 10 squats daily while the kettle is boiling. Focus on what you are doing right already, you could even write these things down. Talk kindly to yourself.
2. Choose one to three priorities to work on for the month and take small steps to improve or achieve these priorities.
It’s just too overwhelming to want to do too much. Rather focus on smaller, easy to do goals that you are able to accomplish. Or one thing you really want to improve.
3. Write down your goal or goals for the month. Next to each goal write a short reason why you want to do this.
For example next to “eat healthier” you can write “to have more energy”, next to “stretching” you can write, “to have less pain.” Try to focus on the positive outcome rather than the unwanted negative habit. Rather write “Move more”, than write “stop being lazy.” Imagine how you will feel if you managed to accomplish this at the end of the month.

4. Write down smaller steps towards your goal.
For example, if your goal is to “eat healthier”, smaller steps would be to aim to “eat a cup of green veggies daily” and “drink daily ginger tea.” This can be written in a form of a tick sheet to remind you what you want to do either daily, or weekly.

5. Find People to join you.
Making changes is not easy. Get a family member or friend to do this with you or at least share your intentions with someone so that they can keep you accountable.
6. Plan Ahead.
Make things easier for yourself. If you intend to run in the morning, put your shoes out where you can see them. Leave the weights on the kitchen counter. Leave a love note for yourself to remind you. Plan your meals. Pack a lunchbox the day before. Arrange to meet a friend for a walk.
7. Be Persistent and Consistent. (BP&C)
Maybe you have an off day or eat too much cake or just didn’t do your 20 squats. Don’t spend too much time thinking what you should have or could have done. It happens. Just get back on the track. Bit by bit.
8. Don’t wait for Motivation. Just Start.
Often Motivation follows action. If you are going to wait until you feel like exercising, you might wait forever. Don’t allow yourself to listen to your excuses. Don’t overthink it.

The point is, rather do something small for your self care every day, than not doing anything at all.
Self care is not an expense, it’s an investment.