How to Treat Your Child’s Fever

This is my preferred way of treating a fever and by no means replaces taking your child to your own doctor.

I’m not a fan of using medications with multiple ingredients in them to treat fevers in children under 5. I feel like the parent has more control when giving one ingredient medications at a time. It also gives one a better idea of how the child is responding.

My preferred medication for fever is Paracetamol (Panado, Calpol, Empaped) and if that doesn’t resolve the fever within 20-30 minutes, then adding Mefenamic Acid (Ponstan). (Ibuprofen could be used in place of Mefenamic Acid, but Ibuprofen seems to make my own children a bit hyper.)

Treat a fever above 38 degrees Celsius. Remember a fever is the body’s way of fighting an infection.

1. Make sure your child is not dressed too warmly. Take off layers of clothing if necessary.

2. Encourage your child to rest and drink fluids. Breastmilk, water, cooled rooibos tea with honey (honey if they are older than 1 year old).

3. Pat their forehead and neck with a damp cloth.

4. Put 3-4 drops of Lemongrass essential oil or Eucalyptus oil on their pillow.

5. Give Paracetamol (Panado) according to weight. You can repeat the dosage every 4-6 hours. Check that you are giving the correct dosage for your child’s age and weight.

6. If the fever is still present after 20-30mins, give Mefenamic acid. (also check the bottle/pamphlet and treat according to weight). You can give Mefenamic Acid syrup every 6-8 hours for up to 3 days.

7. Call your doctor if:

  • your child’s fever is above 40 degrees Celsius;
  • if his/her fever does not improve after trying treatment above;
  • if your child is unable to eat or drink anything;
  • if your child is vomiting and complains of severe headache or a stiff neck;
  • if the fever persists for more than 3 days without improvement

Here are some tips of how to manage your child’s cough and cold : Basic Home Remedies for Treating your Child’s Cough and Cold