Treating Children’s Coughs and Colds- Home Remedies and Basic Medicines
The cold and flu season has arrived late this year…We’re at the start of our summer but so many kids (and adults) are sick! This has apparently got something to do with less cold and flu cases during Lockdown.
When my kids are sick, I tend to stress a bit, so I thought it would be nice to have a list to go through as a reminder what can be done. (Let me know if you think something needs to be added to the list.)
If you are very worried about your sick child, or they are not getting better, rather take them to your doctor or paediatrician. Remember to be particularly careful giving medicine to a child under 2 years old.

Treating Children’s Coughs and Colds:
1. Encourage your child to rest and sleep. Don’t send them to school.
2. Keep your child well hydrated by giving them fluids to drink. This makes mucus consistency thinner. Warm fluids like Rooibos tea without milk helps to soften mucus and soothes a sore throat.
3. Give children (above 1 year of age) locally produced (if available) honey. You can add it to their tea. Or even give them a teaspoon of honey. Honey eases a cough and a sore throat. Local honey has the added benefit of helping to ease allergies.
4. Avoid dairy, cookies, chocolates and sweets while they are sick. This could worsen a slimey chest and runny nose. Yoghurt in moderation, (if it contains live cultures and is unsweetened) is good, especially if they are on antibiotics. If you are breastfeeding encourage baby to drink.
5. Use normal saline nose spray to soften mucus. You put 2-3 drops in each nostril, you can then suction the nose gently with a bulb suction (or baby vac). Some saline nose sprays, spray with force to open the nose… it’s just very difficult to use if you don’t have someone helping you pin the child down. You can even make your own saline solution by adding half a teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of warm water. You can also use a nose Frida nasal aspirator to suck out nasal secretions.
6. Use a humidifier in their room, especially if the air is dry. You can add an essential oil like tea tree oil or Eucalyptus oil to the humidifier.
7. Put your child in a warm bath with a few drops of tea tree oil in the water. Or let them sit in the bathroom and let them breathe the mist from the shower or bath. If your child has body aches, adding a cup of Epsom salts can help relax their muscles.
8. Rub VicksVapo Rub or VicksBaby Rub to their chest, back and feet.
9. Raise the head of their bed slightly or use an extra pillow to raise their head. This may help them sleep better if their nose is blocked or runny.
9. Nebulize with normal saline if they are coughing. This helps loosen phlegm. You can also nebulize with ACC. You mix 1 tablet in 10mls of water and then put 5mls of this in the nebulizer.
10. If your kid will eat some fresh pineapple pieces it can help to decrease mucus production which will help a runny nose and a cough. But other fresh fruits and vegetables are also healthy.

11. Treat a fever above 38 degrees Celsius. A fever is the body’s way to fight infection which is good but a persistent high fever is dangerous. Give Paracetamol Syrup according to weight every 4-6 hours. You get Empaped which is a Paracetamol suppository which works very well if the child doesn’t want to drink the medicine or is vomiting. You can add Mefenamic Acid or Ibuprofen (a anti-inflammatory) if fever is still high. You can give an anti-inflammatory every 6-8 hours. Take off layers of clothing and don’t dress a feverish child too warmly. Pat forehead and back of neck with a damp cloth. Put a few drops of lemongrass essential oil on their pillow.
12. If they have a wet cough you can take them to a physiotherapist or you could give them chest physio at home. It helps to loosen phlegm on their chest. You can google how to do this and obviously don’t be too rough. Let your child lean over your lap on their stomach. Cup your hands and gently but firmly cup the upper and middle part of their backs.
13. Cough Medicines. Be sure to check at what age you can give the cough medicine to your child. Cough medicines are generally not recommended to children under 5. Ones you can give to children under 5 and work well are Pholtex and Prospan. You can also give a child half a Prospan effervescent tablet.

15. Throat lollies – You get throat lollies that help ease a sore throat. My kids don’t like them but many other kids do.

14. Other medication: (Once again be sure of the dosages you are giving your child and be aware that some medications contain a combination of ingredients – which makes it easier to overdose.) An Anti-histamine ( like Allergex syrup, Telfast Syrup or Cetirizine syrup) helps dry secretions. It can also make a child drowsy…so better to give it at night. You can also give them something to make mucus thinner like Mucospect or ACC. This helps make it easier for them to cough out phlegm.
15. Give them some extra love and attention by playing quietly with them or reading a book to them.
If you are unsure or worried about your child or your child is not getting better, then rather take your child to your doctor.