Spring and New Beginnings – Week 5 Creativity Challenge

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”

Week 5

It’s Spring! Here in the Free State it was definitely warmer these last few days. New blossoms, flowers and green grass have started appearing. I’m sure the flies, mosquitos and ants will also soon be here!

This winter felt particularly cold and particularly long… So I am very excited for Spring and new beginnings! (not particularly for all the goggas but hey, that’s part of Spring! ) During week 5 of our creativity challenge we celebrated Spring and new beginnings. Scroll to the bottom of this post for Week 6’s theme…

The cutest Spring flowers!

Here’s the challenge for week 6… Have you ever wanted to write a book or make a movie? Or thought about a good name for a band or song? It’s too overwhelming to write a whole book or make a whole movie… But see if you can create a movie cover or a book cover. Or lyrics for a song perhaps? Or a movie synopsis? Have fun! Let’s see what we can come up with.

Week 6…

Week 6: Let’s make Music and Movies!
Create an original movie cover, book cover, or band/album cover OR
Create an original movie trailer or music video OR
Write a short movie or book synopsis or review OR
Write lyrics or perform a song