Covid Home Treatment Check List
Covid has exploded in the last 2 weeks in South Africa! I hear of so many newly diagnosed people daily. It’s scary! We have finished our 10 day isolation today. I thought I would compile a treatment checklist seeing that so many people have been diagnosed with Covid during the last week.
Disclaimer: This information by no means replaces going to your doctor. You should always seek individual medical advice. This is merely a check list for educational purposes only.
Once you have been diagnosed as positive, stay calm. Remember most people only have it mildly.
If you are on a lot of chronic medication or have a chronic disease rather see your doctor. He/She will be able to individualize your treatment and do certain blood tests.
Make a list of who you need to let know of your results and let the relevant people know: anyone you have been in close contact with in the last few days, your workplace, kid’s school, family members and close friends.
Buy or borrow a pulse oximeter to monitor your own and family members’ saturation (blood oxygen) levels. Write down your chronic medication, your medical aid details, doctor’s number and ambulance number. This is especially a good idea if you are caring for a family member who has Covid.
- Continue your chronic medication
- If you have access to Ivermectin: use once a day for 5 days (see FLCCC image below)
- Vitamins : Vitamin C, Vit D3, Vit B complex, Vitamin B3, Zinc (see FLCCC image below for dosages. Don’t overdo the dosages!)
- Asprin or Ecotrin to prevent blood clots (unless contra-indicated)
- Paracetamol (Panado) 2 tablets every 4-6 hours for headache and fever
- If you go to your doctor they could add other medications too which is a good idea if you are a high risk patient or have bad symptoms. (Azithromycin, colchicine, prednisone, asthma pump)
Food and Drinks
- Get 2 servings of green veggies daily (Make a green smoothie!)
- Sip warm tea (like rooibos with some honey)
- Make ginger tea (fresh ginger with lemon soaked in boiling water)
- Drink waem fluids
- Drink enough water
- Avoid too much dairy
- Warm broths
- Life Gain shake for people who are having difficulty eating
What else you can do:
- Do not lie on your back. Lie on your side or on your stomach.
- Gargle with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash
- Steam Inhalations (3 times a day). You can add a few drops of Tea tree or Eucalyptus oil. Google how to do this if you don’t know how.
- Get some sunlight and fresh air.
- Play nice, calming music.
- Breathing exercises (slow deep breaths, blowing through straw into bottle with water, slowly blowing balloons or medical gloves) Wim Hof Breathing
- Walk around house, do circulatory exercises (Do not just lie down all day- this increases your chances of blood clots)
- Rub Vicks on your back, chest and feet
- Chopped onions on your feet at night, with socks over and packets. For 3 nights. This apparently works! Can’t do harm.
- Meditation
- Ask friends and family if you need help
Remember the first few days is the viral phase (and the phase you are most infectious to others); next is the pulmonary phase where your lungs can be affected, then it is the hyperinflammation phase where blood clots and other complications can occur. That’s why asprin is recommended.

If you want to read about my and my family’s experience with Covid here is the link to the post I wrote in December: https://jam4joy.com/2020/12/20/our-covid19-story/

These are tough times. Take it day for day.