Rest in Peace Madiba




This is one of those moments that you are always going to remember: Where you were when you first heard that Madiba, Ntate Mandela, has passed away…

We were in Books Hostel in Rio, Brazil, just after “Happy Hour.” Some random guy, who gets updates from a news app on his phone, told Marc that Nelson Mandela had just passed away. (Without knowing that Marc IS South Arrican!). We knew Mandela couldn’t live forever and at the age of 95 years he had a pretty good running. But to me, and I’m sure to many others, just hearing those official words were a shock. It feels as if South Africa and the whole world has just suffered a terrible loss.

South Africa was on the news in Brazil while a massive rainstorm was pouring down outside as if even the weather in Rio knew the extend of our country’s mourning.

His unforgettable legacy lives on in all of us! May we all always remember what he stood for: love, peace and equality.

Rest in Peace, Father of our Nation, Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika.






  • John & Carol

    News here (we’re in Oregon USA at the moment) is non-stop coverage of Mandela’s life and legacy, which latter of course extends far beyond the borders of his beloved South Africa. RIP, old soul.

  • Sammy

    Hi Makhotso

    Its great loss for the country and the world at large. When I heard news I remembered the discussion we once had about your concerns and fears about Madiba’s passing.As I’m watching news today I wish you could see how we celebrate this symbol of unity for our country,how as South Africans we again hold hands forget our differences and cherish diversity.

    I’m following you each time and enjoying seeing the world through your eyes..

    • jam

      Kealaboha Sammy!
      It’s awesome that Madiba not only united South Africans while he lived but even with his death. I’m so proud everytime I see Mandela on the news even here in South America! Every newspaper I saw had him on their front cover yesterday! All in Portugese. This one Brazilian newspaper had about 12 pages all about Madiba and his inspirational life! (Not that I could understand the Portugese but there were many pictures!).
      Thanks for the message and your encouragement as always! 🙂

  • jane

    Ware woorde….. ek onthouek het julle nog uit die skool gaan haal toe Madiba hier in Uitenhage was…of was jy al in Riebeek en het vlaggies gewaai in die hoofstraat….??? dit was dan seker Lins en Peter…toe het ons in Durbanstraat gaan staan toe hy verbyry en daarna na due Swifts rugbyklub gegaan waar hy gepraat het…