Inka Trail Day 3


Inka Trail Day 3

Day three of the trail was an easy (compared to the previous day) 9km walk through the cloud forest. This is the start of the Amazon Jungle so we saw lots of interesting flora. Amanda, an American in our group, said she felt as if she is in a dream because the scenery seems so unreal.

We were all hoping to see a black bear so with every crackling twig we would stare into the dense forest around us. Nobody saw a bear but we saw lots of interesting birds. Oh, and Margie and Tim said they saw a little deer.

There were more Inka sites to explore. By this time we realized that the Inkas were definitely not lazy! According to Rodger, the three pillars which the Inkas lived by was work, love and knowledge. He told us a few interesting stories about the Inkas’ way of life and religion. (Well, it’s all educated speculation.)

We really had amazing weather throughout our trek. On the afternoon of the 3rd day it rained a bit. Everyone was quite keen to wear their raincoats so the light shower was actually quite welcomed.

That afternoon we all had off to do what we want to. We walked with Maria and Wout to the waterfall near our campsite. They come from Holland so we could sort of understand when they speak Dutch with each other. Wout was known as the photographer of the group. He was always running ahead or walking behind taking pictures and videos.

Wout and Marc had an ice-cold shower under the waterfall. Maria and I took photos which was later used as evidence to show the rest of the group that they really were crazy enough to go into the freezing water.

It was our last supper together that evening and the chef, Sebastian, did not hold back! We were all so impressed by what he could make in the middle of the forest in a tent! There were 2 cakes. One was a jelly cake! The food was delicious and he gets 10/10 for presentation. He carved little birds out of a cucumber! How impressive is that!?





  • jane

    Sjoe julle is fiks !!!!!! Eks bly julle is verby Dead womans passage……di koue berg het nie sy tol geeis ni…..dapper stapppers. Eks mal oor die uitdrukking : take your time but hurry up. Ja dit klink soos n mens se lewenspad….xx